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Photographers (website and print)

Vibrant magazine looks to feature fashion, editorial and beauty photography. We look for a story through photos at least 6 - 8 images in length.  Keep in mind that one of your shots could be used as the cover shot!

Please send small jpegs to for consideration, and title your email “Vibrant MAG Photography SUBMISSION“


Videographers (website only)

Videos related to the photography, fashion and modeling industry will be considered for publication. Videos can be related to a submitted photography series or an artistic or opinion piece on a topic of the director/videographers choice. Please no explicit nudity.

Please send a link to your video to for consideration, and title your email “Vibrant MAG Video SUBMISSION“


Vibrant magazine is proud to offer models the opportunity to submit their  own work. We are searching for artistic model self-portraits (used for model corner on website).   Models submitting to appear in print issues must have permission from photographer to submit photos for inclusion.  Vibrant  will also hold castings to work with  specific photographers of Vibrant magazine.  If you are submitting to work with our photographers directly in Chicago and surrounding areas, please only send two snapshots.

Please send small jpegs to for consideration, and title your email “Vibrant MAG Model SUBMISSION“



Please do not submit high resolution files for initial consideration.  Vibrant magazine is a Non-Exclusive publisher, and does not assume ownership of photography, art, articles or videos.  Contributors will be asked to sign an Artists Release granting Vibrant magazine permission to publish their submissions, and submissions will only be published upon receipt of signed release

© Copyright 2009 -2014 Vibrant magazine.

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